Bulk Plant/Heating Oil Terminal Auction.
Bid Submission Deadline: January 31st, 2018 - MUST SELL!
• 7 above-ground Oil Storage Tanks.
• Currently, the facility is operating 3 tanks with a current capacity of 800,000 gallons.
• 5,000+/- SF Shell Retail Building + 2,400+/- SF Office Space
• Fully Automated 24-hour Facility - Large Thru-put Business
• 5.68 Acres, Zoned: Retail & Industrial
The property sits on Rt-46, an active retail corridor. Prime location close to I-80 Interchange and Route I-287. Currently, the facility is operating 3 tanks with a current capacity of 800,000 gallons.
The facility is a 24/7 fully automated Oil Terminal. The Bulk Plant consists of seven (7) oil storage tanks ranging from 10,000 to 1,000,000 gallons in size for a total capacity of 3,415,000 gallons.
Written offers to be submitted to Auction Advisors See "Bid Submission" file for details.
* Requires confirmation of Online Agreement
By Appointment.
Please email: JOlshin@AuctionAdvisors.com
* Requires confirmation of Online Agreement
By Appointment.
Please email: JOlshin@AuctionAdvisors.com